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Bubolz Nature Preserve is supported 100% by program fees, memberships, grants, donations, and gifts from individuals and Corporations. We do not receive any funding from tax dollars or family endowment funds. There are many ways you can help support Bubolz.

Become a member of the Bubolz Nature Preserve. Annual memberships help bring the wonder of nature to more families, schools, and the community members. Members also receive program and gift shop discounts, along with discounted ski and snowshoe rentals.

Donate to the Bubolz Nature Preserve. Individual donations make a big difference in making great things possible. Many area companies also offer Employee Match Programs.

Volunteer your time to help keep the Preserve clean and healthy, improve biological diversity, prevent erosion, and more. Donate your talent for property and building maintenance, environmental education, land conservation, ski rentals, or special events.

Become a corporate sponsor of Bubolz Nature Preserve. Sponsorships from our generous community partners make it possible to develop and grow our environmental learning campus.