Guided Ecology Hike

This is a free event open to all in partnership with the Performing Arts Center!

Prior to attending Into the Canyon: Exploring a National Treasure with Pete McBride and Kevin Fedarko at the PAC, enjoy a special Ecology Walk at the Bubolz Nature Preserve calling attention to the human impact on the environment. While the differences between the habitats and biological communities of the Grand Canyon that Pete and Kevin explored are vast, the very real threat to all habitats and communities around the country due to human behavior is a crucial, common tie. Space is limited on each walk and registration is required. This event is free with community support from Community First Credit Union.

Please register using the link below.

Cost: FREE

The event is finished.

Bubolz Nature Preserve


Bubolz Nature Preserve
4815 N Lynndale Dr, Appleton, WI 54913

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