Bubolz and Catalpa Health Partner

APPLETON, Wis. (July 10, 2018) – Catalpa Health is partnering with the Bubolz Nature Preserve in Appleton to offer mindfulness walks for children and families at the nature preserve. The free program is available to the general public and will also be used as an activity tool for Catalpa providers who may recommend it to children and their families.
Nature has been known to help people relax, sleep better, lose weight, focus easier and provide many other health benefits. In 2007, the University of Essex found that within a group of people suffering from depression, 90 percent felt a higher level of self-esteem after a walk through a park, and almost three-fourths felt less depressed.
The program includes mindfulness activities that are self-directed, self-paced and support the services that are offered to Catalpa patients. In addition, these activities will also be available to guests of the Bubolz Nature Preserve for familes to use to engage their children with nature.
A few of the activities that will be offered include: guided breathing, stretching, sensory awareness, find and seek, family interaction and self-reflection questions. Catalpa therapists will incorporate the mindfulness trails into their treatment plans, encouraging clients and families to participate as part of their homework and goals.
To learn more about the Bubolz Nature Preserve, Catalpa Heath or any of the individualized activities in the ecotherapy program, visit https://bubolzpreserve.org/eco-therapy-mindfulness-walks/.