Need for Nature News Summer’s heat brings one of the most amazing insects: the dragonfly. They have been cruising the skies for 300 million years, although back then they were the size of a kestrel with a 2½ foot wingspan – imagine that flying around Turtle Pond! Today’s dragonflies are still impressive in so many ways. Their wings beat 30-50 times per second, powered by flight muscles that make up one-half or more of their body mass. Flight speeds normally range around 10-20 mph but they have been recorded flying up to 35mph. Dragonflies are capable of hovering in one…
Read MoreApril Showers Bring May Flowers! The month of April gave us quite the rollercoaster ride of weather. The precipitation made the trails very wet and mucky in spots, but like they say “April showers, bring May flowers” and there are definitely a lot of flowers starting to bloom at the preserve. We will be discussing the blooming flowers on our upcoming Nature Talks Video on Bubolz’s YouTube page. Check out our page to see all of our Nature Talks videos . Make sure to subscribe so you see all of our upcoming videos. Spring is the time for baby wildlife, and…
Read MoreWinter is upon us! The beautiful frost at the Preserve this morning reminded us all that winter is here and it is almost time for ski and snowshoe season. If you have been out hiking recently you may have noticed some new signs up on your walk… It is important to know that many things change at the preserve once the snow starts to fall. Once we get 6+ inches of fresh snow we will start the winter makeover of the trails. The normal walking trails will turn into cross country ski trails and we ask that you do NOT…
Read MoreHappy Fall! October was a very busy month at the Bubolz. We had our 27th annual Romp in the Swamp “Mask”erade and our Octoberfest Beers for Bubolz. We want to say thank you for everyone who participated in these programs and helped support Bubolz. We are happy to be a part of such an amazing community of people! October was the month for night hikes! We learned about how our other senses are heightened when we weaken our sense of sight. We talked about the difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals. Families experienced a heightened sense of smell and practiced…
Read MoreWe all have a need for Nature in our lives. There are so many health benefits of spending time in Nature. Our mission at Bubolz is to serve as a gathering place for the community to become inspired by, appreciate and enjoy nature through educational programming and recreational opportunities, while fostering a healthy environment and providing an improved quality of life. With your Support we can make sure we are here for generations to come. Read Chris’s story below to see how spending time in Nature at Bubolz helped him. Chris’s Story My name is Chris R, and I am…
Read MoreDon’t forget to subscribe to our news letters by filling out the form at the bottom of your screen! Need for Nature Campaign Our Health and well-being are significantly enhanced by time spent in nature. A simple walk in nature can change brain activity, leading to better mental health. We need nature and all of it’s great benefits more than ever during this time of the pandemic. By supporting Bubolz Nature Preserve, we can continue to be a place for future generations to come and enjoy nature. If you donate online today, a very generous anonymous donor will match all…
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Read MoreCheck out our August newsletter to see everything of what has been happening and what is to come at Bubolz! Summer is well underway, and we have been having a lot of fun here at Bubolz. Summer campers have been filling the woods with joy and laughter. Campers of all ages have been catching bugs, learning the difference between toads and frogs, making art projects, building shelters and fires to cook their own meals. We had our #NeedForNature challenge, which encouraged families to get out and come to the preserve to enjoy nature. Families checked in on Facebook with our…
Read MoreGEOCACHING FUN! Geocaching is a fun activity that everyone on the family can enjoy. It is a real life treasure hunt using any GPS enabled device. At Bubolz we have 8 geocaches hidden on the property. It’s a great outdoor activity that is easy to get hooked on. Never done geocaching? Don’t worry, it’s an easy activity that anyone can take part in. The first step is to download a geocaching app on your phone. We recommend using Geocaching by Groundspeak Inc. Once you have downloaded the app set Bubolz Nature Preserve as your location. A map of the…
Read MoreKenna’s Kabin is an environmentally themed interactive play area inside the nature center for children for both passive and active play learning opportunities. The room features a children’s library, floor puzzles, games, puppets, building table, slide, playhouse and more. There is no cost to play and enjoy the activities. The play area is designed for children ages 10 & younger. Kids must be supervised by an adult. Come by and have some fun at Bubolz! KENNA’S KABIN HOURS Tuesday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Saturday – 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Sunday 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Note:…
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